Sunday, March 27, 2011

Photo Connection

In the novel Great Expectations, Pip is torn between what he knows to be right, and what he wants for himself. I chose this photo because in the beginning of the book, when Pip meets Estella and wants to become a gentleman, he doesn't think twice about what it would do to Joe if he left, but all the same he excepts his "expectations" gladly in the hopes of him being meant for Estella. In a way Pip is following his heart when he goes to London because he is doing it for Estella, but he is also running away, away from the steady, comfortable life as a blacksmith. Pip would rather live luxuriously and be happy with himself (or so he thinks he will be at the time) than be just a common blacksmith and live with Joe in a small, cozy house. Once Pip goes to London, and finds out it's not really all that it's made out to be, he finds himself second guessing his decision to leave and become a gentleman. Is it really better to have a social status than to be happy and with the ones you love? But it's too late for Pip to turn around now, and he has to do the best he can with what he has. Throughout the 1st and 2nd stages of the book, there are moments where Pip has to make decisions between what he wants, and what is right, and they all help Pip to be the character that he is, his mistakes help him learn, and maybe to help him make the right dicisions in the next part of the book.

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